Saturday, June 29, 2013

Purposes Lesson Plan


School Name               : SMK Manangga Pratama
Subject                        : English Language
Grade / Semester         : X / I
Kinds of Text              : Short Functional Text
Theme                         : Greetings and Introducing
Aspect Skill                 : Speaking
Meeting                       : 1, 2
Time Alocation           : 4 x 45 minutes
Communicate with the English equivalent of Novice Level
Understanding basic expressions in social interaction for the benefit of life.
1. Greetings (greetings) upon meeting and parting used appropriately.
2. Introduce yourself and others acted appropriately.
After making observations, gather information, discussion and practice of learners are expected to:
1. Saying phrases when meeting and parting at the time of communication.
2. Introduces himself and others when communicating.
1. Curiosity
2. independent
3. cooperation
4. communicative
5. social care
6. competitive
7. creative
8. tolerance
9. discipline
10. responsibility
11. love peace
1.      Vocabulary related to the theme.
2.      Spelling and pronunciation.
3.      Example of texts,
1) Greeting and leave taking:
Good morning
How are you
I’m fine thanks
See you later
2) Introducing
May I Introduce my self, I am Budi
Ani, this is Ida.
Nice to meet you.
1.      Approach : communicative approach
2.      Technique :
3.      Method : eclectic method
1.      Pre-activity
a. Planting value religious character
•Educators go to class on time. (character discipline)
• Educators and students greet each other with friendly greetings. (peace-loving character)
• Students pray before starting to learn. (religious character)
• Educators check the cleanliness and tidiness of learners. (character discipline)
• Educators check the cleanliness and neatness of the class. (character discipline)
• Educators check the attendance list of students to ensure the presence of the students. (character discipline)
b. Motivation:
• Educators tell stories that can motivate learners in the learning process to follow.
c. Focus learners:
• Learners listen to the explanation educators on the topic, purpose, benefits, learning strategies and methods that will be accepted by learners.
2.      Wilst-activity
a. exploration
• Learners listen to a description of the material that will be accepted in the learning process
b.      Elaboration
• Students are divided into several groups.
• Students demonstrate a simple dialogue given educators.
• Learners make a simple dialog according to the instructions given in groups of educators.
• Learners report the group's work to educators.
• Students demonstrate a simple dialog in front of the class as a group.
• Educators provide an assessment of the performance of the learners.
c.       Confirmation
• Learners make inferences from material provided by the educators.
• Learners are given the opportunity to ask about the material that is not yet understood.
3.      Post-activity
a. Provide educators and learners reflect on the material being studied.
b. Learners work on a written test on the material provided.
c. Educators ended the meeting by describing the activities for the next meeting.
a. Media: Text book
b. Learning Resources:
• SMK 1
• Dictionary English - Indonesian
Assignment Book
J.       Structured Task
1.         Students identify the material expression on the book
2.         Students study the useful expression related to the material
3.         In  group (2-3), make a dialogue consisting greeting, introducing your self, introducing others, saying goodbye based on the situation below:

You are at a certain ceremony with a friend. Most of the people at the ceremony do not know each other. Move around with your friend introducing yourself and your friend to different people and finding out who some of the other people at the ceremony are. Use the models below:
Excuse me, what’s your name?
Excuse me, are you ………….?
I’m sorry, we haven’t met. My name’s ………
I’d like you to meet my friend…………
You haven’t met my friend……., have you?

At the end of the sessions the students are able to appropriate, accurately, fluently respond to:
·      Addresses by familiar persons
·      Addresses by unfamiliar persons
·      Self personal introduction
Introduction of others.
Create conversation related material then act it out in front of the classroom.

a.   Rubric                               : Terlampir
b.  Answer Key                      : -
c.   Assessment Guideline      : Minimum Score 0 and Maximum Score: 5
d.  Final Mark                        :

·         Bilangan (Cardinal / Ordinal).
·         Profession and nationality.
·         Adjectives showing physical (appearance) and non-physical (characteristic)
·         Nouns showing time, day,date, month, and year.
1.      Students are gathered in the classroom
2.      Students were given a brief description of the material related to the scientific method completion questions daily tests
3.      Students are given the task to resolve some problems that are similar to the test questions daily
4.      Once the students were ready to start a daily test questions
5.      If there are students who do not pass the repair or remedial process, students are required to attend enrichment programs conducted outside of school hours

                                                                                                 Tasikmalaya,   Juli 2012
Approved by,
Supervisor,                                                                   English Teacher,

Japar Solihin, S.Pd                                              Anna Eriska Oktaviani, SPd
NIP.19740615 200604 1 006

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


NAMA SEKOLAH                 :   SMK Manangga Pratama
KELAS/SEMESTER                :   X 1/ 1 - 2
STANDAR KOMPETENSI    :   Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice
KODE KOMPETENSI           :   A.1.01
ALOKASI WAKTU                :   148 jam X 45 menit

Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran

Nilai-nilai PBKB
dan Kewirausahaan
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
Tatap muka (Teori)
Praktik di Sekolah
Praktik di DU/DI
2.1.   Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari baik dalam konteks profesional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli
·   Pertanyaan dengan  pola yes-no questions dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan  dan dijawab dengan benar.
·   Pertanyaan dengan pola question tags dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan dengan benar.
·   Pertanyaan dengan  pola question words dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan  dan dijawab dengan benar.
·   Berbagai bentuk dan ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk membicarakan kegemaran /hobi dan minat.
·   Ungkapan untuk menangani tamu hotel, restoran, travel agency, dll. diperagakan dengan benar.
·   Talking about hobbies and interests
- Do you like fishing?
- What do you like doing in your spare time?
·   Guest handling
- What can I do for you, Sir?
- Welcome to  our hotel.
- I hope you enjoy the food.
  Grammar Review
·   Yes – No questions
- Are you a secretary?
·   Question tags
- The board meeting starts at seven, doesn’t it?
·   Questions with question words
- Where does the boss live?
- Why do you come late?
·   Gerund as subjects and objects
- Smoking is dangerous.
- I don’t like fishing.
·   Gerund as complement:
- Her job is sorting the mail.
·   Gerund after preposition:
-  Are you interested in collecting stamps?
·   Constructions with ‘too’ and ‘enough’
- The soup is too salty for me.
- The hotel room is comfortable enough.
·         Rasa ingin tahu
·         Mandiri
·         Kerjasama
·         Komunikasi
·         Peduli sosial
·         Menghargai prestasi
·         Kreatif
·         Toleransi
·   Listening:
− Answering questions based on recorded materials.
− Dialogues about guest handling
·   Speaking:
− Telling about one’s own daily activities.
−  Role playing about guest handling
·   Reading:
− Answering questions about hobbies and interests
·   Writing:
− Writing descriptions of other’s daily activities.
− Writing sentences containing gerund .
− Arranging sentences containing “too” and “ enough”
·      Tes lisan
−   Dialog berpasang-an
·      Tes tertulis
 -  melengkapi kalimat
−  Pilihan Ganda
−  Membuat
    paragraf pendek

v Practical English Usage
v Global Access to the World of Work
v Person to Person
v English for SMK (Ang-kasa)